Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Repeal the REAL ID Act

The federal government has taken another step towards forcing you to carry a national ID in order to get on airplanes, open a bank account, enter federal buildings, and much more. But with state legislatures and Congressional representatives increasingly turning against the REAL ID Act, you can help stop this costly, privacy-invasive mandate. Write to your members of Congress and voice your opposition to REAL ID now!

In January, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released the "final rule" on REAL ID, describing the requirements and procedures for transforming state ID cards into REAL IDs. Congressional leaders responded with scathing criticisms of REAL ID, recognizing that the provisions pass the cost of ID changes on to taxpayers, do not improve national security, and do not protect the privacy of Americans. Many of the Congressional leaders called for a repeal of REAL ID -- and they're supported by a number of states, some of which have even passed legislation opposing REAL ID.

The overwhelming sentiment shared by legislators, state officials, and citizens is obvious -- repeal REAL ID!

Contact your Senators and Representative


We Are Scientists

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Sleep When I'm Dead

Song number 3 of 13 in The Cure's monthly song-by-song release of their new album. Click the label below to see the previous 2 songs.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Tell Your Senator to Uphold Their Oath to SUPPORT and DEFEND the Constitution RIGHT NOW


"I have to say that no senator, Republican or Democrat, should be voting for this Senate bill. Not one. Everyone who does so is in fact, I would say, violating his or her oath to defend the Constitution. But they can do better than that." - Daniel Ellsberg

"Think about what we’ve been hearing from the White House in this debate. The President has said that American lives will be sacrificed if Congress does not change FISA. But he has also said that he will veto any FISA bill that does not grant retroactive immunity. No immunity, no new FISA bill. So if we take the President at his word, he is willing to let Americans die to protect the phone companies. The President’s insistence on immunity as a precondition for any FISA reform is yet another example of his disrespect for honest dialogue and for the rule of law.

It’s painfully clear what the President’s request for retroactive immunity is really about. It’s a self-serving attempt to avoid legal and political accountability and keep the American public in the dark about this whole shameful episode." - Senator Kennedy

Frontline documentary

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Don't Shred the Constitution after July 4th

Contact your Senators

After the Fourth of July holiday, the Senate will vote on the FISA Amendments Act (FAA), a bill that would betray the spirit of 1776 by radically expanding the president’s spying powers and granting immunity to the companies that colluded in his illegal program. Now that the House has passed the FAA, the Senate is the last front left in the battle against immunity, and every vote -- from cloture, to the amendments, to final passage -- counts.

Therefore EFF urges all patriots to celebrate the Fourth of July this year by demanding that their senators uphold the rule of law and stand up for civil liberties, by voting against the FAA and for the amendments to the bill that would eliminate or weaken its telecom immunity provisions.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

FISA and Senator Feingold

Very cool - my good friend HC has a Senator that understands the basic issue at stake with the FISA Telecom Immunity provision of the bill - rule of law should never benefit anyone in particular - it should always be unbiased and objective and he's always stood up for that regardless of the bill or inquiry committee he's sat on.

Contact your Senators and let them know what you think about this issue. Telecoms should be heard in court by an unelected judiciary on domestic wiretapping and spying - this should not be legislated away as being ok while the President is using Americans as a test case to un-Constitutionally exceed check and balance authority without judicial review.